This is the page to start for homework! Go to the correct unit and find out what you are supposed to be doing!

Click on the button for the unit we are on!!


For online help and resources, read the information below!!!

With our new textbook, we have Internet resources. You can practice quizzes online, get chapter summaries in SEVEN different languages, and much more!! to go there, click on this link>>>

After you get there, click on the "American History" button. In the window that pops up, click on the link that says "Holt United States History: Beginnings to 1914 © 2007." Then - and here is the tricky part - ADD ONE TO YOUR CHAPTER NUMBER THAT YOU ARE ON!!!!!!. If you are on Chapter 2, click on Chapter 3! Double check by looking at the title of the chapter. They messed up and divided chapter one of the textbook into two chapters online!